The EMF-A+ is one of the most common (with EMF-C- together), kind of EMF found in PSA cars, it is a mix of segments-and-icons LCD screen with LED backlight, the most common color found is orange.
It is used in VAN+CAN as a mid-end display, in AEE2004 and AEE2010 as the low-end display.
Two connectors are used: 6-pins and 12-pins. Both work exactly the same (only +BAT, GND, CAN-H and CAN-L are connected). To date few sub-version are used- with- or without side buttons.
These communicate via CAN, can be configured, but not upgraded, the firmware is in an OTP ROM. It is theorically impossible to have a custom firmware on an EMF, but so far no known attempt for EMF-A+ is known.